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Live a little

1. Intuitive Tarot  


This is a gift that I discovered in 2009 when a sudden urge to pick up my first tarot deck made me explore the mystic world of the unknown. For a skeptic and logical person, like me, the adventure was filled with self doubt but Universe was insistent and patient. It guided and introduced me to the realm of Spiritual Beings and Masters.


Today I owe my understanding of Tarot to the Highest Source of Love & Light, who guides me through all readings and validates with positive reviews by the clients.


An intuitive card reading can provide clarity and powerful insight into the answers you need to make decisions and choices in your life. The intuitive reading helps you to see what has been blocking your pathway to success, happiness, passion and full abundance in your life.  Sometimes we may not even be aware of the underlying issue we need to deal with before we can move on in our lives.  Intuitive card readings facilitate our connection to the true purpose of the situation and what it has come to help us master in our being. - Aarti




2. Past-Life Regression Therapy


Past Life Regression is an alternative healing therapy which, via hypnotic or non hypnotic techniques, takes an individual to their previous lives to access memories and experiences that hold answers to his/her concerns in this life. It taps into the subconscious and unravels emotions that have been blocked creating recurring patterns in finances, relationships, health, nightmares, fears and phobias.

PLRT is a powerful tool to explore the healing potential of consciousness and understand the journey of the Soul.






3. Inner Child Work 


Inner Child Work is rooted in the idea that our past influences our present, our bodies and unconscious hold wisdom, and there is hope and potential for new connections to be made within and without.

Many aspects of our adult self are in pain due to our behavior and attitude towards relationships and situations. Very often we do not understand our unexpected responses and feel stuck in recurring unhealthy patterns. With ICW we understand that the pain and patterns are coming from the wounded child within us, who suffered from repressed/suppressed emotions due to various reasons, at various stages of our growing years. This child camouflaged its feelings, which have developed as sour traits, fears, traumas, behavioral patterns within the adult self.

ICW helps make the child meet the adult and be healed before it merges. This is when we experience wholeness.

ICW is a trauma-informed approach to heal childhood wounds due to trauma, abuse, neglect, abandonment and bring in harmony within. It opens us to live in joy, self love, compassion and acceptance.





4. Guided meditation


Guided meditation is a state of relaxed concentration invoked and led by a guide. Its a process of deep relaxation and visualization that helps open the right brain and transcend consciousness to experience the Self Beyond the identity and conditionings.

There are regular online sessions taken which have had therapeutic effects in making remarkable consciousness shifts.







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